职务: 副教授
学历: 博士
北京师范大学地理学与遥感科学学院, 人文地理学, 2010.09 – 2012.06,
加拿大女王大学地理系, 人文地理学, 2006.09 – 2010.04,
中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 环境科学, 2003.09 – 2006.07,
北京师范大学资源与环境科学系, 资源环境与城乡规划管理, 1999.09 – 2003.07,
- 专业学位硕士研究生:人文地理学基本问题
- 本科生四年级:政治地理学
- 北京师范大学地理学与遥感科学学院, 副教授;(2013.07 – 今)
- 北京师范大学地理学与遥感科学学院, 讲师;(2012.07 – 2013.06,)
- 奥地利国际应用系统分析研究所青年学者夏季培训; (2010.06 – 2010.08,)
(1)2014.01 – 2016.12, 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目
(2)2013.11 – 2015.11, 北京师范大学自主科研基金项目
(3)2008.05 – 2010.12, 参与科技部国际科技合作与交流专项
(4)2006.09 – 2009.08, 参与加拿大社会科学与人文科学研究委员会(SSHRCC)资助项目
项目名称:“Social and Economic Dimensions of an Aging Population (SEDAP) 2006–2009 ”;
(5)2004.09 – 2006.07, 参与国家社会公益性专项研究课题
1. 期刊文章
[1] Tao, Z. L., Cheng, Y.*, Dai T. Q., & Rosenberg, M. W. (2014). Spatial optimization of residential care facility locations in Beijing, China: maximum equity in accessibility. International Journal of Health Geographics. 13:33. doi:10.1186/1476-072X-13-33
[2] 陶卓霖, 程杨*, 戴特奇.(2014). 北京市养老设施空间可达性评价. 地理科学进展. 33(5), 616-624.
[3]Zhou, S.Y., Cheng, Y.*, Xiao, M.Z., Bao, X. (2013). Assessing the location of public-and-community facilities for the elderly in Beijing, China. GeoJournal. 78(3), 539-551. doi: 10.1007/s10708-012-9450-1.
[4]Cheng, Y.*, Wang, J, E., Rosenberg, M. W. (2012). Spatial access to residential care resources in Beijing, China. International Journal of Health Geographics. 11:32. doi: 10.1186/1476-072X-11-32
[5]Cheng, Y.*, Rosenberg, M.W., Wang, W.Y., Yang, L.S., & Li, H. R. (2012). Access to residential care in Beijing, China: Making the decision to relocate to a residential care facility. Ageing & Society.32(8), 1277-1299. doi:10.1017/S0144686X11000870.
[6]Cheng, Y.*, Rosenberg, M.W., Wang, W.Y., Yang, L.S., & Li, H. R. (2011). Aging, health and place in residential care facilities in Beijing, China. Social Science & Medicine, 72, 365-372.
[7]Cheng, Y.*, Rosenberg, M.W., Wang, W.Y., Yang, L.S., & Li, H. R. (2011). Population ageing and residential care resources in Beijing: Spatial distribution of the elderly population and residential care facilities. Asian Journal of Gerontology & Geriatrics, 6, 14-21.
[8]Sutherland, C.*, Cheng, Y. (2009). Participatory-action research with (im)migrant women in two small Canadian cities: using photovoice in Kingston and Peterborough, Ontario. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 7(3), 290-307.
[9]程杨, 李海蓉, 杨林生*. (2009). 中国明清时期疫病时空分布规律的定量研究. 地理研究, 28(4), 1059-1068.
[10]程杨*, 杨林生, 李海蓉. (2006). 全球环境变化与人类健康. 地理科学进展, 2, 46-58.
2. 其他出版物
[1]Smith, R. M., Ge, Y., Hartmann, R., Dong, X., & Cheng, Y. (2014). Megaregions of China and the U.S. In Hartmann, R., Wang, J., Ye, T. (Eds.), A Comparative Geography of China and the U.S. Springer.
[2]Cheng, Y. (2010). A Framework of Healthy Living Environment for Aging in Place: A Case study of Beijing, China. IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP) 2010 Research Report.
3. 会议报告
[1]2014年8月. International Geographical Union Regional Conference: Changes, Challenges, Responsibility. 波兰克拉科夫: Food Security for Community-living Elderly People in Beijing, China.
[2]2014年8月. Medical Geography Forum 2014. 波兰华沙: Elderly Care Options for the Community-living Older Population in Beijing, China.
[3]2014年7月. The International Conference on Geopolitics in Changing Southeast Asia: Boundaries and Borderlands. 云南昆明: The spatio-temporal distribution and development modes of border ports in China.
[4]2012年10月. 5th International Workshop on Health and Environmental Changes in Urban Areas, 北京: Spatial Access to Residential Care Resources in Beijing, China.
[5]2011年10月. 4th Workshop on Responses to Global Environmental Change and Urban Health Risks, 北京: Vulnerability: Ageing Population in Beijing.
[6]2010年10月. 3rd Workshop on Environmental Change and Health Security in Beijing-Tianjin Urban Area, 北京: A Framework of Healthy Living Environment for Aging in Place.
[7]2010年4月. Annual meeting of Association of American Geographers, 美国华盛顿: Health risks and response of vulnerable populations in Beijing, China.
[8]2009年11月. 2nd Workshop on Environmental Change and Health Security in Beijing-Tianjin Urban Area- Vulnerability and Vulnerable Groups, 北京: Health risks and response of vulnerable populations in Beijing, China.
[9]2009年7月. XIIIth International Medical Geography Symposium, 加拿大汉密尔顿: Aging, health and place in residential care facilities in Beijing, China
[10]2009年5月. Annual meeting of Canadian Association of Geographers, 加拿大渥太华: How to balance between demand and affordability? ----Access to residential care by elderly people in Beijing, China
[11]2008年10月. Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, 加拿大伦敦: Access to residential care by elders in Beijing.
[12]2008年7月. 中国地理学会2008年学术年会, 吉林长春:从健康地理学角度对北京市老年人机构养老的研究。
[13]2008年4月. Association of American Geographers annual meeting, 美国波士顿: Finding their place: international students in the small city.
[14]2007年10月. SEDAP (Research Program on the Social and Economic Dimensions of an Aging Population) New Researchers Conference, 加拿大汉密尔顿: Financial security of elders in China.
[15]2007年7月. XIIth International Medical Geography Symposium, 德国波恩: Temporal-spatial distribution of epidemics in Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1911A.D.) in China
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